2014-10-15 07:56

Na naši šoli kot 1. tuji jezik spoznavamo angleščino, zato so se devetošolci odločili, da v sklopu Evropskega dneva jezikov, ki ga vsako leto praznujemo na 26. 9., napišejo kratke indijanske legende. Upamo, da boste v branju uživali in spoznali, da je angleščina lahko tudi zabavna. 





Once upon a time, there was a very lonely Indian man. He didn't know how to use fire, so he lived on roots and nuts. He was already exhausted of digging roots, so he lost his appetite and lay down to sleep.

When he woke up, a beautiful woman with long light hair was standing next to him. He said to her: »Come to me.« She didn't. He tried to touch her but she moved even further away. The man started crying after his loneliness. The woman said: »If you do exactly as I say, I will stay with you.«

She led the man to the place where the grass was very dry. She told him to find two dry sticks and to rub them together. Soon a spark twinkled and the grass caught fire. Then the woman said: »When the Sun sets, take me by the hair and drag me over the burnt ground.« The man didn't want to obey her but she told him a secret. She said: »Wherever you drag me, something like tall grass will spring up. You will see something like hair coming up from between the leaves. Soon the seeds will be ready and you will be able to sow your own field.«

The man then followed her orders.

When the Indians saw blooming corn-stalks, they knew that the beautiful woman with silky hair didn't forget them.

Rebeka, 9. a





One day an Indian chief was hunting and looking for a symbol to give life to his people. He came upon the tracks of a huge deer. He became very excited. He began to follow the tracks when he suddenly ran right into a huge spider's web which was strung between the trees, across the trail. When he got up, he angrily struck at the spider. But the spider jumped out of reach. It asked the chief why he was running through the woods looking at the ground. The chief felt foolish but he explained that he was looking for a symbol. When the spider heard his story, it offered itself to be the tribe's symbol of strength. The chief was confused as to how something so tiny and weak could be a symbol of strength. The spider explained: »I'm very small and my enemies are often much bigger than me. But I patiently and fearlessly wait for my prey and enemies to come to the web.«

The chief realized that was true and the spider became one of the symbols of the people.

Timotej, 9. a






When the Comox people faced raids from other coastal tribes, they took their women and children onto the plateau to be safe. Once, during a raid by the Cowichan, the women and children vanished without a trace.

When a member of the tribe went looking for them onto the Forbidden Plateau, he found red lichen covering the snow and nearby rocks. He thought that the lichen was blood from his family members. Since then, the plateau became taboo because it was believed that it was inhabited by evil spirits.

Juš, 9. a